


 Frequency And Doses

Due to excessive blood loss from 'uterus; restlessness and exhaustion

Arsenic aIb. 30

4 hourly (6)

 After miscarriage; oversensitive , face  flushed

Belladonna 30 or 200

4 hourly

 After premature labor or abortion. Pain  in sacrum & pubis and vagina

Sabina 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 With throbbing pain and over-sensitivity to pain; pressure, cold, etc.

Hepar sulph. 30

4 hourly

 With burning pain and swelling; puerperal metritis with cystits

Cantharis 30

4 hourly

Mouth ulcers

 Small ulcers of the aphthous type; bleed if touched; mouth hot and tender

Borax 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Excessive salivation; spongy gums which bleed easily; sweetish metallic taste in the mouth; thirst with moist mouth

Mere-sol. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Aphthae with rush of blood towards head

Belladonna 30

4 hourly

 Small blisters or extremely sensitive ulcers; better holding cold fluids in the mouth

Natrum sulph. 12X or 30

4 hourly

 Ulcers are accompanied by sharp splinter like pains; acrid and offensive salivation

Nitric acid 30

4 hourly


for fear and apprehension related to any shock or trauma; also use it for the frightened pet who is travel sick

Aconite 30 or 200

4 hourly

For  the animal who is literally shaking with fear, and may have wet the floor or her carrier

Gelsemium. 30

4 hourly

 To helps a dog or cat  to accept new surroundings

Ignatia 30 or 200

4 hourly

 when a pet's nature and behavior seem to change radically during a move.

Scutellaria 30 or 200

4 hourly

For travel sickness, give a dose of Cocculus before starting and repeat if needed

Cocculus. 30

4 hourly

If there is vomiting during travelling,

Ipecac. 30

4 hourly


 Nephritis due to any acute disease with constant tenesmus

Terebinth. Q, 5-6 drops

3 hourly

 Acute nephritis with threatening. uraemia. Albumin and renal elements in the urine In heart diseases, the kidneys previousl yworking well suddenly becomes affected

Eel serum 30

4 hourly

 In initial stage; with sharp cutting pains in the region of kidney after exposure

Aconite nap. 30 or 200

2 hourly

 with soreness in the region of kidney (intercurrent remedy)

Medorrhinum 200 or 1M

Fortnightly (3)

 Shooting pains; in the bladder with heat and distension in the region of the kidneys; urine red in colour

Belladonna 30 or 200

3 hourly

 With burning; dragging, aching, and smarting pain  in the region of kidneys ; difficult urination

Cannabis sat. 200 or 1M

10 min.(3)

 With cutting pain; tenesmus and severe burning; urine comes in drops mixed with blood or complete suppression of urine

Cantharis 30 or 200

4 hourly(3)

 with sharp, stitching pains involuntary urination during coughing or sneezing, etc.

Kali carbo 30 or 200

4 hourly(3)

 Region of kidney tender; pain  in  abdomen, bladder and lower extremities. urine contains albumin mucous and phosphoric acid

Solidago Q 4-5 drops

4 hourly

 Due to mechanical injuries; such as continuous or severe concussions

Arnica 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Excessive nausea with extreme distention of abdomen; scanty, painful urination Urine bright red; contains decomposed blood, albumin and sugar

Colchicum 30


4 hourly

 In chronic cases when there is induration of the glands; patient oversensitive to pain and cold, etc

Hepar sulph. 30 or higher

4 hourly

 When there is diarrhoea and tenesmus with induration of glands; urine dark scanty, bloody and albuminous

Mercurius vivo 30

4 hourly

 With excessive thirst;, restlessness and exhaustion; urine contains albumin epithelial cells, fibrin, pus and blood, etc

Arsenic alb. 30

4 hourly

 Haemorrhoids - blind and bleeding; worse during climacteric

Aesculus hipp 30 or 200

4 hourly


 Head remedy; due to injury of nerves

Hypericum 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Sudden onset with anxiety and fear; worse noise or light

Aconite 30 or 200

2 hourly

 Due to exposure to sun or heat; better. by motion

Glonoine 3X or 6

2 hourly

 Better by pressure and warmth; worse in and by cold

Mag phos 6X or 30

4 hourly

 Due to congestion; rush of blood towards head; face flushed

Belladonna 30

3 hourly

 Due to uterine disorders; reflex symptoms

Cimicifuga 30

4 hourly

 Interstitial neuritis; sensitive to air and touch

Ranun-bulb. 30

4 hourly


 Redness and swelling of both ears; after scarlatina; violent pain in left ear when chewing

Apis mel. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Otorrhoea with profuse, ichorous and foul discharge accompanied by burning and itching in canal

Arsenic alh. 30 or 200.

4 hourly (3)

 Otorrhoea with offensive discharge and diseased bones (caries, etc.)

Asafoetida 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Acute; when acute symptoms arise in chronic disease

Belladonna 30

4 hourly

 Sub-acute otitis with much purulent and offensive discharge; fear of downward motion due to cerebral anaemia

Borax 30

4 hourly

 Watery, bad-smelling, thick discharge; fetid pus from ears; inner swelling of ears swelling begins at the ear and extends half way up to the cheek

Cistus can. 30

4 hourly

 Discharge of think, yellow, fetid pus; itching deep in ear, with stinging pain; sharp stitching pain

KaIi bich. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 With excoriation and ulceration of meatus sensitive to cold; abundant secretion; flow of pus and blood from the ears; tonsillitis or diseased parotids

Mercurius sol. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Offensive, purulent otorrhoea; difficult hearing; better while riding in a carriage

Nitric acid. 30 or 200

6 hourly

 Offensive, purulent otorrhoea; yellow fetid        discharge; forming crusts and intolerable itching

Psorinum 200 or 1M

weekly (3)

 Offensive, watery, curdy otorrhoea; with soreness of inner nose and crusts on upper lip; itching in eustachian tube and in ears

silicea 30 or 200

6 hourly


for overweight from impaired nutrition with pituitary or thyroid dysfunction; the animal may have heart disease or anemia, and be sensitive to cold.

 Calcarea carbonate 30 or 200

4 hourly

The classic ho­meopathic remedy for obesity

Phytolacca berry. 30 or 200

6 hourly

Where there is chronic mucous congestion with obesity

Ammonium bromatum 30,200

6 hourly

The cell salt relieves water retention and aids weight loss.

Natrum sulph 6X

4 hourly