Injury (wound)



 Frequency And Doses

Main remedy of Head; Pet is  unconsciousness;  bruised pains and tumefication of soft parts

Arnica 200 or 1M

3 hourly(3)

 Injury of deeper tissues; sprains and bruises

Bellis p. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Bad effects of fall on head,head injury     

Natrum sulph. 200, 1M

10 min.(3)

 Injury to fibrous tissues tendons and muscles sprains and over strain

Rhus tox. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Injury to periosteum and bones; sprains  of ankles

Ruta g. 30 or 200

6  hourly

 Open/ragged wounds due to injuries

Calendula 30

4 hourly

 Wounds turns black; instead of healing

Carbo veg. 30

4 hourly

 To avoid tetanus; punctured wounds due   to splinters, insect--bites, nail-prick etc.

Ledum pal. 200 or 1M

10 min. 30

 For wounds which are very painful 'and do  not heal

Acid-nit. 30

4 hourly

 Injury of cornea

Opium 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 To aid speedy union of fractured bones; eye  injury without any marked sign

Symphytum 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Corneal ulceration by a blow; sharp cut wounds

Staphysagria 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Spinal injury; injury of nerves, crushed toes in  a door or machine, etc.

Hypericum 200 or 1M

10 min. (3)

 When small wounds bleed much; blood bright  red as after extraction of tooth, etc.

Phosphorus 30 or 200

10 min. (3)

 Oozing of blood through bandage

Strontium carbo 30

. 4 hourly

 Stage of  toxaemia and septicaemia with fever  and restlessness

Pyrogenium 200 or 1M

10 min. (3)

 Neuralgia in stump; exposed nerves; after  amputation,

Allium cepa 30 or 200

4 hourly

 When Camphor. Q do not respond and  body remains cold; patient desires fanning

Carbo veg. 30 or 200

15 min. (3)

 When Carbo veg. also fails and body remains     cold

Veratrum alb. 30 or 200

15 min. (3)


 With constriction of oesophagus,no liking  for any food offered

Abies nig. 30

4 hourly

 Accompanied with flatulence; better  passing flatus

Carbo veg. 30

4 hourly

 From over eating; sedentary habits

Nux vomica 30 or 200

4 hourly

 After being angry; better doubling up

Colocynth. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Eating vegetables, preserved food; unquenchable  thirst; burning sensation in the stomach or  abdomen with restlessness

Arsenic alb. 30 or 200


 Heartburn; pain and fullness of stomach 2 to -3 hours after eating; foul breath, bad taste in  mouth; worse after taking cold drinks, emotional  stress; better after eating

Anacardium or. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Distress in stomach pit soon after food with heaviness like a stone'; water-brash; biliousness; heartburn; hiccough; thirst for large quantities but warm drinks are vomited; better lying quiet still on back;

Bryonia 30 or 200


4 hourly

 Burning, heaviness and pressure in stomach pit, even after eating small meal; severe bloating;  frequent belching; faint­ness in morning; bilious  attacks; sticking pain in liver region;  Pet desire for  vinegar, wine, spicy food; worse when walking;  better after eating

Hepar sulph. 30

4 hourly

 Much bloating, sensation, 1 to 2 hours  after eating; food regurgitates; eructations  tasting of food; raw, burning in stomach;  vomiting of food taken some hours before;  worse in a warm room, eating warm and rich   food; better temporarily from taking cold  things

Pulsatilla 30 or 200


4 hourly

Due to nervousness; grief or  disappointment from owner

Ignatia 30 or 200

4 hourly


 Itching all over the body/without eruptions


4 hourly

 Itching worse after uncovering ; scratching  results in bleeding

Sulphur 30

4 hourly

      Barber's itch; forelegs covered with itching and rash   itching on ears, nose and in urethra

Sulphur iod. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Scrotal itching; worse by touch or walking

Croton tig. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Hot bath ameliorates the itching; worse at night

Syphilinum 200 or 1M

weekly (3)

 Intense and incessant itching; ,worse at night .

Medorrhinum 200 or 1M

10 min. (3)

 Itching with soreness; body has always filthy  smell even after a bath; skin dirty, usually moist as if bathed in oil and at times "dry also

Psorinum 200 or 0/6 or above (50 millesimal)

6 hourly

 Burning and itching; worse by warmth; urticaria  like eruptions

Rhus tax. 30 .

4 hourly


 Jaundice in new born pup; during  pregnancy. Acute pain in liver region with fever and anxiety

Aconite nap. 30

3 hourly

 Jaundice in new born pup. pup cries a lot; 

Chamomilla 30 or 200

4 hourly

 In the beginning when there is nausea and    indigestion with clean tongue

Ipecac 30

3 hourly (3)

 With shooting, stitching pains in the abdomen;  some complaints after eating non-veg;  excessive thirst and constipation

Bryonia 30 or 200

4 hourly (6)

 With bad taste; vomiting - and  White coated tongue especially  in centre

Carduus m. Q or 30

4 hourly

      With inflammation and shooting pain in liver  radiating to every direction of liver; liver sensitive to touch; eyes pale

Chelidonium Q or 30

4 hourly

 With constant nausea;  Foaming black urine

Lachesis 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 When jaundice is due to gastric catarrh; liver  swollen and sensitive; digestion slow; Jaundice due to sexual excesses; loss of vital fluids

China off. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Jaundice due to gastric complaints; Frequent but ineffectua urging to pass stools; chilly patient

Nux vomica 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Intercurrent remedy  

Sulphur 30 or 200

Weekly (3)

 After abuse of Quinine; unquenchable thirst and  restlessness

Arsenic alb. 30

4 hourly

 Jaundice in complication with liver affection;  Chalk like; dirty, watery offensive stools

Podophyllum 30

4 hourly

 Flow of dark blood from nose, mouth uterus,   bowels, etc.. Malignant black Jaundice

Crotalus h. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Yellow dirty skin,   canine hunger,Excessive appetite

Iodium 30

4 hourly

 Jaundice with liver disorders. Black, tar like stools

Leptandra 30

4 hourly

 Jaundice with deep seated brain and lung diseases  associated with Anaemia

Phosphorus 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Loss of appetite; with nausea and vomiting;  indigestion from milk; pain in right  hypochondrium; dry hard stools; conjunctiva yellow

Carica papaya Q or 30

4 hourly (3)

 For Haemolytic jaundice


weekly (3)

Kidney Affections of

 Acute nephritis. Urine dark, scanty; retention of  urine with stitching pains in kidney. Fever with  anxiety

Aconite nap. 30 or 200

3 hourly

 Urine scanty with albumen; acute nephritis;   albuminuria; thirstlessness

Apis mel. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Severe pain in kidneys extending to bladder and urethra pets kicks at its belly.

Berb-vul. Q or 30

4 hourly

 Nephritis with irritation of bladder; intolerable burning, urine hot, bloody, albuminous. Constant urging to urinate

Cantharis 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Scanty urine with albumen. Difficulty in  breathing especially after midnight and on lying  down. Excessive exhaustion from slight exertion

Arsenic alb. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 In early stage; bloody urine, violent burning   and pain in urethra and kidney region while  passing urine; coffee ground like sediment in  urine

Terebinth. Q, 5-7 drops 

4 hourly

 Dropsy with nephritis. Pulse slow and. weak; Scanty, dark urine.

Digitalis 3

4 hourly

 Nephralgia of right kidney. Pain right side of body  with ineffectual urging to urinate

Nux-vom. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Suppression of urine which passes drop by  drop only. Spasmodic, crampy  pain which appear and disappear suddenly

Belladonna 30

4 hourly

 Kidney affections associated with pneumonia or  pulmonary catarrh. Constant pain in region of   right kidney with bloody urine

Phosphorus 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Repulsive odour of urine; dark brown sediments  in urine. Severe kidney pain which penetrate into  the chest

Acid-benz. 30

4 hourly


 Tears bland; worse indoors; better open air

Allium cepa 30

4 hourly

 Tears acrid; irritates the eyes

Euphrasia 30

4 hourly

 Tears burning due to blockage of naso-lachrymal   duct; worse by cold

Rhus tox. 30 or 200

4 hourly

  When Rhus tox. fails; chilly patient

Silicea 30 or 200

4 hourly

Lick Granuloma

 For highly restless, irritable pet who frequently returns to the water bowl for small sips, symptoms worsening at night, and raw, burning skin. I alternated this with Silieca for ulcers, abscesses or bumps under the skin, weak lower spine

Ars alb.30  

4 hourly

 for dry skin lesions with itching, also for bacterial skin infections

Sulphur30 or 200

4 hourly

for lesions around the mouth, rodent ulcers in cats with thin blood-stained discharge and extreme touch sensitivity

Hepar sulph 30

4 hourly

for lesions on limbs when sensitivity is less, but pus has formed

Calc Sulph 30

4 hourly

for rodent ulcers in cats

Nitricum acidum. 30

4 hourly

shows shiny red skin lesions, occurring especially at the ankles and feet

Natrum  phos.30

4 hourly

 for the early stages of lick granulomas that appear mostly on the right side of the body; there is inflammation, pain and redness.

Ferrum phos 30

4 hourly

 Liver diseases

For jaundice when the animal also has alternating diarrhea and constipation, and vomiting

Nux vomica30

4 hourly

 the most recommended liver and jaundice remedy, again given every four hours until the jaun­dice disappears, or by the observation method.

Chelidonium majus 30,200

4 hourly

when there are clay-colored stools, gum hemorrhages and vomiting soon after eating or drinking; the dog's or Cat's abdomen is too tender to touch.

Phosphorus. 30

4 hourly

When the animal can eat only a little at a time, and the symptoms are worse in the late afternoon and early evening, This is usually a thin, older pet, prematurely grey.

Lycopo­dium. 30 or 200

4 hourly

when the cat or dog vomits early in the morning, has poor appetite and pain over the back with weak legs.

Berberis 30

4 hourly (3)

Give when other remedies fail and there is jaundice and putty-like stools.

Chionanthus 30

3 hourly

The remedy that saved Copper's life. Liver dis-ease is serious; con­sult an experienced veterinary homeopath.

Phosphorus 30

3 hourly

For jaundice when the animal also has alternating diarrhea and constipation, and vomiting

Nux vomica30

4 hourly

 the most recommended liver and jaundice remedy, again given every four hours until the jaun­dice disappears, or by the observation method.

Chelidonium majus 30,200

4 hourly