Fading new borns



 Frequency And Doses

is the primary remedy where the baby feels cold and clammy and breathing is depressed.

Carbo veg  30, 200

4 hourly (3)

for septicemia infections in newborns and a nosode of Streptococcus is given to the mother

Echinacea or Pyrogen 200,1M

4 hourly

For diarrhea in kittens or puppies, where stools are watery, yellow and expel forcefully,

Podophyllum 30

4 hourly

 where feces are jelly-like and may contain blood; they dribble out, sometimes with spluttering

Aloe 30

4 hourly (3)

Where there is lethargy and small, watery, foul-smelling stools.

Arsenicum 30 or 200

4 hourly

for shock and collapse

Aconite30, 200

weekly (3)

 for collapse.

Carbo veg 30

4 hourly (3)

when diarrhea is the only symptom.

Merc cor 30 or 200

4 hourly

for shock and collapse

Aconite30, 200

weekly (3)


 Due to severe pain; anger after being  scolded; oversensitive patient

Chamomilla 200

1/2 hourly (3)

 Collapse; with extreme coldness, blueness   and weakness; post-operatIve shock

Veratrum alb.30 or 200

1/2 hourly (3)

 Due to disturbed emotions; shock or grief     

Ignatia 200 or 1M

1/2 hourly (3)

 Due to fear and excitement; nervous   tension

Phosphorus 200

1/2 hourly (3)

 After being disturbed and touched; due to injury

Arnica 200 or 1M

1/2 hourly (3)

 Due to hot stuffy atmosphere; suppression   of discharges  jealousy of other pets

Lachesis 200

1/2 hourly (3)

 Due to sight of pins and needles; ill effects  of vaccination

Silicea 200 or 1M

1/2 hourly (3)

 Due to loss of sleep; riding in a carriage or   on   shipboard

Cocculus ind. 200

1/2 hourly (3)

 Due to bad news, emotional excitement fear

Gelsemium 200

1/2 hourly (3)

 Due to apprehension, anticipation of  coming events

Argent-nit. 200

1/2 hourly (3)

 After effects of fear (as after accidents, etc.)

Opium 200 or 1M

1/2 hourly (3)

 Indignation; wounded honour; rudeness of    others

Staphysagria 200or 1M

1/2 hourly (3)

 Mortification with anger (sometimes the patient  goes into coma after suppression of anger)

Colocynth. 200or 1M

1/2 hourly (3)

 Intercurrent remedy  

Sulphur 200

10 min. (3)

 Due to fear; sudden exposure to dry cold   wind

Aconite 200

10 min. (3)

 Due to exhaustive discharges (like  vomiting, diarrhoea, blood or semen loss, etc.)

China off. 30 or 200

1/2 hourly

 In epileptic fits; aura begins at knees and  ascends  to hypogastrium

Cuprum met. 30 or 200

10 min. (3)

 Due to sun stoke; heat on head; due to working under gas light, etc.

Glonoine 3X or 6

1/2 hourly

 After diarrhoea; taking juicy fruits, etc.

Arsenic alb. 200

1/2 hourly


 Early stage; due to exposure to dry cold   wind

Aconite 30 or 200

2 hourly

 High fever; with thirstlessness, changing   moods; better in open air

Pulsatilla 30 or 200

3 hourly

 Flushed face with high fever; due to acute   tonsillitis, etc

Belladonna 30

3 hourly

 With headache coming from nape of neck;  dullness, loss of thirst, desire to1ie quietly;  better after passing urine­

Gelsemium 30 or 200

3 hourly

 With restlessness and thirst for small  quantities of water at short intervals;  burning sensation

Arsenic alb. 30 or 200

3 hourly

 With pain all over the body; excessive    thirst, drink large quantity of water at a time at long intervals; constipation; worse  by motion; better by rest

Bryonia 30 or 200

3 hourly

 Due to sun stroke or exposure to heat 

Glonoine 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Due to urinary infection; frequent  micturition with burning

Cantharis 30

4 hourly

With nausea and vomiting; thirstlessness    tongue clean. Irregular pattern of fever

Ipecac 30

2 hourly (3)

 Fever after getting wet; with extreme  restlessness; better by movements, severe  body-ache; triangular tip of tongue red

Rhus tox. 30 or 200

3 hourly

 Fever after injury; sore, bruised feeling   (as if beaten) all over the body

Arnica 30 or 200

1/2 hourly

 Desires cold water during chill, and no thirst   during stage of heat; wants fanning

Carbo veg. 30

1/2 hourly

 Thirst only during chill stage of fever

Capsicum 30 

2 hourly

 Disproportion between pulse and   temperature; high fever; septic fever

Pyrogenium 200 or 1M

10 min. (3)

Food Poisoning

 Due to eating melons or drinking impure  water

Zingiber 30

1/2 hourly

 Eating icy preparations; preserved food  over  ripen fruits

Arsenic alb. 30

1/2 hourly

 After eating spoiled or tinted food patient wants fresh air fanning 

Carbo veg. 30

1/2 hourly

after eating rich fatty food non veg variety foods chocolates etc.

Pulsatilla 300

1/2 hourly

Foreign Body

 To expell foreign body from the skin in   fresh cases

Hepar sulph. 200 or 1M

10 min. (3)

 In thronic cases to expell foreign body from  the skin

Silicea 200 or 1M

4 hourly (6)

 To expell iron nails, etc., pricked into the   body

Ledum pal. 200 or 1M

4 hourly (6)


 Dry; specially of toes and feet, the part  becomes cold and numb; better by   cold applications

Secale cor.30 or 200

4 hourly

 Gangrene of the face; typhoid fever like   symptoms

Baptisia 30 or 200

4 hourly

  Dry; specially of lungs and uterus with  soreness   and burning sensation; better by warm applications; restlessness and  prostration

Arsenic alb. 30 or 200

4 hourly

  When the effected part becomes purple or blue,   due to blood poisoning; blood decomposes

Lachesis 30

4 hourly

 Wet; effected part emits foul discharge, oozes   freely

Crotalus h. 30

4 hourly

 Wet; purple and icy cold; effected part emits  foul discharge; patient desires fresh air, fanning

Carbo veg.30

4 hourly

 Specially of lungs and uterus in old age;  better by warmth

Kreosote 30

4 hourly

 Gangrene of the cheek; aversion to food; hie-cough,  frequent putrid eructations; brown tongue, vomiting; discharges foul and dirty

Acid-mur. 30

4 hourly

 Gangrene after mechanical injuries  

Acid-sulph. 30

4 hourly


 Agility; to stimulate the functional activity  of  all organs

Coffea 30 or 200

weekly (3)

Spastic; knees knock against each other while walking           

Lachesis 30' or 200

fortnightly (6)

 Staggering; unsteady when unobserved

Argentum nit. 30 or 200

fortnightly (6)

 Drags feet while walking

Nux vomica. 30

6 hourly

 Legs toes do not touch ground while walking Q

Lathyrus s. 200

fortnightly (6)

 Legs feels heavy as of lead, while walking

Medorrhinum           200 or 1M

fortnightly (3)

 Legs feel heavy as if made of wood or glass

Thuja oc. 200 or 1M

fortnightly (6)

. Involuntarily thrown back while walking

Mercurius sol. 30 or 200

6 hourly

 Lifts feet higher than usual and brings  them down hard

Heloderma 200

weekly (6)

 Limps involuntarily, while walking

Belladonna 200

6 hourly

 Stoops while walking

Arnica, 200

weekly (6)

 Walking is very difficult on uneven ground Q

Lilium tig. 30 or 200

weekly (6)

 Suddenly falls to ground while walking

Magnesia carbo 30

weekly (6)

Glands affections

 Stony hardness; hard knots in female  breast,   goitre etc.           

Calcarea fluor. 12X or 30

4 hourly

 Ulceration of Cervical glands

Rhus ven. 30

4 hourly

 Induration of parotid glands; enlargement  of  goitre and other glands

Bromium 30

4 hourly

 Swelling of sub-maxillary glands

Pinus syl. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Glands stony hard; progressive debility  especially in old bachelors and maids.

Conium mac. 200 or 1M

weekly (3)

 Left sided glands swollen; hard and red

Merc-bin-iod.,3X or 6

4 hourly

 Enlargement of glands; tonsils, thyroid  etc.

Calc iod. 3X or 6

4 hourly

 Right sided glands swollen; hard and red

Merc-p-i. 3X or 6

4 hourly

 Intercurrent remedy.

Tuberculinum 200 or 1M

Weekly (3)

Gums affections

Soreness of gums; bleeding after extraction of teeth

Arnica 200 or 1 M

1\2 hourly (3)

Gums swollen and sensitive to hot and cold;- worse night; unhealthy gums,  excessive saliva

Mercurius sol. 30

4 hourly

Easy and passive bleeding, blood does not coagulate easily

Phosphorus 30 or 200

6 hourly (3)

Excessive bleeding from gums. Flatulence;hot and sour belching

Salicylic acid. 30

4 hourly

Oozing of decomposed, thin blood. Gumsswollen, spongy_ sensitive to touch, bleed easily; worse morning

Lachesis 30 or 200

6 hourly (3)

Gums retracted and bleed easily; pyorrhoea

Carbo veg. 3X or 6

3 hourly