


 Frequency And Doses

Dandruff with itching .of scalp and  headache worse bathing with hot water

Lycopodium 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 When the whole scalp is covered with dandruff and hair falls in large bunches

Phosphorus 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Dandruff with itching of scalp; hair dry  crispy

Medorrhinum 200 Or 1M

Fortnightly (3)

 Dandruff with intolerable sensitive, dry scales

Arsenic alb. 30

4 hourly

 Dandruff white; scaly; hair dry, falls out; worse damp, humid atmosphere

Thuja oc. 200 or 1M

Weekly (6)

Dandruff worse margins of scalp; oily,greasy skin and scalp

Natrum mur. 12X or 30

4 hourly

 Intercurrent remedy; hair dry rough, Lustreless, scalp foul smelling; itching  intolerable

Psorinum 200 or 1M

fortnightly (3)

 Dandruff profuse, scaly, profuse sweat on  body

Sanicula 30

4 hourly

 Dandruff in circular patches, like ring­ worms; itching not relieved by scratching

Sepia 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

Yellowish, copious dandruff; ringworm; eczema on body; worse by heat

Kali sulph. 6X or 30

4 hourly

 Whitish, copious dandruff

Kali mur. 6X or 30

4 hourly


 Sudden; due to exposure to dry cold  winds

Aconite 200 or 1M

4 hourly

 To the sounds of voice only

Chenopodiumanth. 30or 200

4 hourly

 Deafness only to the sound of human voice

Phosphorus 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Obstruction deafness in noisy places; can  hear better while riding in a car/bus, etc

Graphites30or 200

6 hourly

 With blockage of eustachian tubes

Mercurius dul. 30 or 200

6 hourly

 Due to suppression of discharges or eczema

Lobelia info 30 or 200           

6 hourly

 Feels as if ears are stuffed; feels as if some   thing were being forced outward; better  cold and open air

Pulsatilla 30 or 200

6 hourly

 Due to paralysis of auditory nerve

Causticum 30 or 200

6 hourly

Due to shock or nervous disturbances

Magnesia carbo 30 or 200

4 hourly

 With cold and clammy feet; sensitive to change of weather; chilly patient

Calcarea carbo 200 or 1M

weekly (3)

 Intercurrent remedy

sulphur 200 or 1M

Weekly (3)


   When diarrhea is accompa­nied by vomiting which may be frequent. The animal is extremely rest­less and feels cold to the touch; she is thirsty, but vomits back water almost immediately , food poisoning; worse taking icy or preserved foods

Ars alb 30


4 hourly


Sudden diarrhoea with anxiety and restlessness; pain  in abdomen due to sudden. exposure to dry cold winds

Aconite 30 or 200

1\2  hourly

When there is frequent diarrhea with straining but no vomiting, with some  streaks of blood.

Merc. cor 30

4 hourly

 chronic diarrhea that is frequent and watery; Stools come out with force like a shot, as water from a hydrant; better drinking  warm water give the dose three times daily for up to a week; the course may need repeating

Croton tig 30 or 200

3 hourly

Shivering while passing stools; smells sour

Rheum 30

4 hurly

 Diarrhoea during day and cough at night; after  suppression of skin ailments

Petroleum 30

4 hurly

For dysentery (bloody diarrhea with abdomi­nal pain and sometimes fever) with vomiting,

Ipecac 30

4 hurly

 Diarrhoea due to cancer (especially  rectum)

Carduus m. Q, or 30

4 hurly

 Diarrhoea after taking boiled milk

Sepia 30 or 200

4 hurly (3)

for copious, chronic, debilitating diarrhea; it was the remedy that healed Copper

Phosphorus. 30

4 hurly

 After taking melons or drinking dirty  water (as from ponds, nallahs, etc.)

Zingiber 30

4 hurly

 Eating rich, spicy food in excess; stools ineffectual; can not tolerate milk

Nux vomica 30

4 hurly

  After eating fatty rich food; pastry, non veg, variety food, etc.; colour and consis­tency of stools changing constantly; worse  at night; thirst-Iessness with dry mouth

Pulsatilla 30

4 hurly

     Passing watery stools; without pain with excessive weakness; thirst more; sweating all over the body; desire for constant fresh air; abdomen bloated

China off. 30

4 hurly

 Diarrhoea during teething period; marked  irritability; worse after anger

Chamomilla 30 or 200

4 hurly(6)

 Unable to control stools; even attempt to pass flatus is accompanied by a spurt of faeces; with a peculiar sound.

Aloe soc. 30

4 hurly

 Diarrhoea with intense colic; better by  pressure, doubling up; worse after anger when diarrhea comes with colic and pain. The cat or dog is extremely irritable and angry

Colocynth. 30

4 hurly

In fat and flabby pets; chronic diarrhoea with  ravenous appetite, craving for indigestible things like chalk, coal, pencil, etc.

Calcarea carb 200

4 hurly (6)

 Greenish stools; milk passes undigested in pups

Magnesia carbo 30

4 hurly

 Severe diarrhoea; pain abdomen and lower extremities; marked coldness of body; stools thin and  whitish

Veratrum alb. 30

4 hurly


 Amoebic dysentery; thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals

Arsenic alb. 30

4 hourly

 Amoebic dysentery; with nausea and clean  tongue

Ipecac 0/5 or higher (50millesimal )

4 hourly

 Amoebic dysentery (intercurrent remedy)

Thuja oc. 200 or 1M

fortnightly (6)

 Tearing down pain thighs and legs while. passing stools

Rhus tox. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Bacillary dysentery; blood in stools with

Mercurius col.  6or 30

4 hourly

 Bacillary dysentery (intercurrent remedy)

Streptococcin. 200 or 1M

Fortnightly (6)

 Indigestion with sour eructations anorexia,  profuse salivation, bitter taste of mouth;  tongue, coated brown; flatulence with   distension of abdomen; stool loose mixed   with mucus; urge for stool after eating; worse at night

Terminalia chebula 30


4 hourly


  Stools with mucous; worse at night

Mercurius sol 30

4 hourly

 Chronic dysentery with discharge of pus  and blood

Staphylococcin. 200 or 1M

Fortnightly (3)

 With large quantities of mucous; gurgling sound hear loudly, pain rectum after passing stools,  

Aloe soc. 30

4 hourly

 Every drink of cold water causes chill and  is followed by a hurried stool   

Capsicum 30 or 0/5 or above

4 hourly

 Chronic dysentery when indicated  remedies fail; worse in the morning          

sulphur 200

4 hourly (3)v

 With violent cutting pains  passing almost pure blood instead of normal   stools;

Phosphorus 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Stools loose; watery, yellowish, mixed with   mucous and blood           

Aegle folia. Q or 6

4 hourly

Ear Ache

 Sudden  due to exposure to dry cold wind 

Aconite 30 or 200

2 hourly

 Throbbing pain with redness of face; hot    feeling; rush of blood towards head

Belladonna 30

2 hourly

 Intolerable pain; worse by warmth,  night and after anger

Chamomilla 30 or 200

2 hourly

 Severe pain in eustachian tubes; with  acute cold; worse indoors and warmth

Allium cepa 30 or 200

2 hourly

 Due to pressure in ears from collection of  wax

Spigelia 30 or 200

10 min. (3)

 Due to sinusitis; stringy phelgm       

Kali bich. 30

4 hourly

 Due to boil in the ear; perforation  discharge of fetid pus; worse by cold.

Hepar sulph. 200

10 min. (3)

With thick, yellowish discharge; better  cold place and cold open air

Pulsatilla 30 or 200

3 hourly


 Acute; eruptions with tendency to scale  formation

Rhus tox. 30 or 200

3 hourly (3)

 with cracks, sticky discharge;  stools constipated

Graphites 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 At the borders of hair; raw, red and inflammed; worse eating salt or at seashore

Natrum mur. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Due to Staphylococcus or Streptococcus  infection

Sulphuric acid. 30

4 hourly (3)

 With yellowish pus; worse by heat; better  by cold, open air

Pulsatilla 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Dry and scaly eruptions; worse on face, worse by warmth of bed. Thin fetid, excoriating discharge; looks dirty

Psorinum 200

10 min (3)

 Eczema of long hair breeds; watery, oozing with  itching; worse by washing

Arsenic iod. 30

3 hourly (3)

 With thick crusts; of head, ears, face and body; scratching changes location of itching

Staphysagria 30 or 200

3 hourly (3)

 With digestive, liver or urinary disorders;  skin becomes thick and indurated

Lycopodium 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 At hair margins; eruptions like variola

Hydrastis can. 30

4 hourly (3)

 Without itching; exudation forms into a  hard, lemon coloured crust

Cicuta v. 30 or 200

, 4 hourly (3)

 Chronic; with irritation; worse by warmth  of bed at night

Sulphur 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 With redness; irritability. and anxiety; unquenchable thirst

Arsenic alb. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

Eczema in the bend of elbows and knees, foul breath

Mercurius sol. 30 or 200

hourly (3)

 After Mercurius sol pustular sensitive  patient; better by warmth; worse by cold

Hepar sulph. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Eczema on the palms; blisters; burning and intense itching

Ranun-bulb. 30

4 hourly (3)

 Repeat the medicine with great care in skin ailments to avoid aggravation or use  50 millesimal potencies repeatedly




 Convulsions with hot, .red skin, flushed  face and glaring eyes; during teething period for attacks with dilated pupils and throbbing pulse, when the pet feels hot

Belladonna 30

4 hourly

Convulsions after seeing water; especially in cases of hydrophobia

Lyssin 200 or 1M

10 min. (3)

 Convulsions due to whooping cough

Cuprum met. 30 or 200

3 hourly

 Convulsions due to worms in children

Cina 200 or 1M

6 hourly

  In Pets If used regularly over several months may prevent seizures.


6 hourly

 Violent convulsions; with violent distortions;  fear of dark

Stramonium 30

3 hourly

 Violent distortions; back bent backward  like an arch

Cicuta v. 30 or 200

3 hourly

  when hysteria or loss of consciousness

Ignatia 200 or 1M

6 hourly

  For petit mal seizures, sometimes brought on by a head blow or fright; the pet may be overexcited or irri­table before onset

Artemisia (mugwort) 30,200

6 hourly

 is for impatient, nervous animals; there may be agitation, howling or biting with attacks, or the pet may hide

Bufo ranG 30

3 hourly

When there are violent convulsions with rigid body, locked jaws and foaming at the mouth,

Oenanthe crocata.30 or 200

3 hourly

For grand mal seizures, with the dog or cat acting delirious afterwards

Cicuta virosa 200 or 1M

6 hourly


 Head remedy, Bleeding worse by slightest motion ,especially beneficial for pups

Bryonia Q, 5-6 drops

3 hourly

 Bleeding easy and passive; worse blowing ; the nose;  blood do not coagulate easily; thirst for icy cold  drinks/water

Phosphorus 200

Weekly (3)

 Blood bright red; nausea; tongue clean 

Ipecac 6 or 30

1\2 hourly

 Blood dark in colour; do not coagulate  easily; worse while washing face

Ammonium carb 30

4 hourly

 With redness of face; rush of blood towards  head

Belladonna 30 or 200

1\2 hourly

 Persistent bleeding (repeated); burning  pains and   irritability

Arienic albo 30

6 hourly

 Epistaxis at menopause  in bitches

Lachesis 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Blood dark and clotted; bleeding so profuse  that it causes fainting;   patient wants to be fanned

China 30

1\2 hourly

 Due to relaxation of capillaries; puffiness  of the body; worse at night and morning

Bovista 30

4 hourly

 Epistaxis with bright red blood; aggravates from heat   of sun; after coughing

Cynadon dactylon Q or 6

3 hourly

Eyes affections

 Stitches in eyes; sharp, sticking pains; syphilitic iritis; bleeding from eyes while  blowing nose

Nitric acid.30 or 200

4 hourly(3)

 Eyes stick while sneezing

Gambogia 30

4 hourly

 Atrophy of retina

Carbo-sulph. 30

4 hourly

 Detachment of retina

Naphthaline 30

4 hourly

 Congestion of retina due to heart disease

Cactus g. 30

4 hourly

 Eyes red hot; apoplexy of retina

Glononine 30

4 hourly

 Bleeding from eyes; bruised pain

Arnica 30 or 200

4 hourly(3)

 Oedema; burning with acrid lachrymation

Arsenic alb. 30

4 hourly

 Congestion of eyes

Ailanthus g. 30

4 hourly

 Cannot stand light; bland lachrymation

Alliu.m cepa 30

4 hourly

 Stitching pain in eyes; worse by motion

Bryonia 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Aching pain in eyes

Capsicum 30

4 hourly

 Pain over left eye; eyes yellow (due to  jaundice)

Chelidonium 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Neuralgia in and over right eye

Sanguinaria o. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Post orbital neuralgia; due to vaccinations

Thuja oc. 200 or 1M

4 hourly (3)

Eyes sickly round; twitching of eyes;retinitis; worms infestations

Cina 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Blueness around eyes; diplopia, sensitive   to light  

Crotalus h. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Eyes agglutinated; pustular inflammation,  photophobia

Rhus tox. 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Eyes dim and fatigued from too much reading or doing fine work; spasms of eye  lids

Ruta g. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Itching of eyes; thick, profuse, yellow, Pulsatilla 30   bland discharges; lids inflammed; worse  by heat

Pulsatilla 30

4 hourly

 Eyes seems as if pulled outwards;  weakness in eyes; epithelioma of eye-lids

Conium mac. 200

weekly (3)

 Styes; inflammation of external canthi;  eczema of eye-lids

Graphites 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Smoky appearance before eyes; eye-lids  heavy, dim-sighted

Gelsemium 30

4 hourly

 Eyes feels too large; glaucoma; optic  neuritis

Plumbum met. 30

4 hourly

 Watery, bloody fluid from eyes; fiery,  sparkling, staring look; burning in eyes

Cantharis 30

4 hourly

 Cold feeling behind eyes

Calcarea phose 12X or 30

4 hourly

 Swelling of conjunctival membrane; purulent   ophthalmia; catarrhal ulceration

Argentum nit. 30 or200

4 hourly(3)

 Burning of eyes with aversion to light; sore canthi

Ammon-carb. 30

4 hourly

 Coldness; crawling in eyes; objects look  smaller than they are

Platinum 200 or 1M

weekly (3)

 Loss of sight due to haemorrhages

China off. 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Opacity; spots and ulcers on cornea;  chrqnic dilatation of pupils

Calcarea carbo 200

weekly (3)

 Trachoma; lids swollen, red, oed_matous;  lachrymation hot

Apis mel. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

 Recurrent styes; pain in inner canthi

Staphysagria 30

4 hourly.

 Swelling of right lachrymal gland

Silicea 12X or 30

6 hourly

 Squinting after convulsions

Hyoscyamus 200

6 hourly

 Eyes drawn backward; twitching in eye lids; eczema of eyelids

Mezereum 30

4 hourly

 Styes on eye-lids, near internal canthus  day or night blindness; eyes half open   during sleep

Lycopodium 30 or 200

6 hourly (3)

 Paralysis of eye-lids

Causticum 30 or 200

6 hourly (3)

 Eye-lids seems too heavy to open;black spots in the field of vision

Sepia 30 or 200

6 hourly

Pustules on  cornea and lids

Antim-crud. 30 or 200

4 hourly (3)

Wild staring look; fear of dark

Stramonium 200 or 1M

6 hourly (3)