Canine Distemper



 Frequency And Doses

Mild Infection  Aconite, Nuxvomica30 2 hourly
Generalised Infection Merc sol, Ars alb, Belladona ,Ipecac30 4 hourly  
Resp. Form  Antim Tart, Spongia Tosta30 4 hourly  
Digestive form  Nux vomica, lycopodium, Carboveg.30 4 hourly  
Vesicular eruption  Rhus Tox30  4 hourly
Nervous symptoms  Conium mac,30 Cuprum met.,Kali Phos 6X 4 hourly  

Caries of teeth

 Decay of teeth in pups as soon as they  appear; bed wetting

Kreosote 30

4 hourly

 Decay of teeth pain and soreness

Plantago 30

4 hourly

 Decay of teeth bleeding  gums sensitive to hot or cold

Merc-sol. 30

4 hourly

Intercurrent remedy

Syphilinum 200 ,1M

Weekly (3)


 Painful; worse in cold weather, winter          

Agaricus m. 30

4 hourly

 When there are cracks which bleed easily; worse winter and cold climate

Petroleum 30

4 hourly

 With itching; worse by warmth; better in cold, open air

Pulsatilla 30

4 hourly

 With redness and swelling of the skin; itching and burning; restlessness

Rhus tox. 30

4 hourly


 Prophylactic remedy Cuprum met. 200 and Verat-alb.200, alternate weekly throughout an epidemic

Cuprum met. 200 and Verat-alb.200,

1\2 hourly 

 Head remedy - when body becomes cold  with internal chill

Camphor 30 or 200

1\2 hourly

Pet  Desires for cold things , violent colic, especially around naval.

Phosphorus 30 or 200

1\2 hourly

 Stools - white, like rice water; cold sweating and uncontrollable retching with drawing and cramps in-fingers


1\2 hourly

 When deathly nausea and cold sweat   persist

Tabacum 30

1\2 hourly

 Body cold and bluish. Spasmodic  diarrhoea,

Cuprum met. 30

1\2 hourly

 Large, Yellow greenish, offensive stools

Podophyllum 30

1\2 hourly

 Burning sensation all over the body restlessness, difficulty in breathing. Rapidonset of collapse. Thirst for small quantities of water at frequent intervals

Arsenic alb. 30

1\2 hourly

 When vomiting stops but diarrhea continues extremities icy cold but patient doesn't allow to cover them. More retching than vomiting

Secale cor. 30

1\2 hourly

 When body becomes cold; respiration weak and laboured patient desires to be fanned

Carbo veg. 30

1\2 hourly

 When cholera symptoms are associated  with, loud, violent and deathly hiccough

Cicuta v. 30

1\2 hourly

When Cholera is followed by croup

Spongia v. 30

1\2 hourly


 Icy coldness of whole body; internal and  external both. To give heat to the system

Camphor 6 or 30

1\2 hourly

 Cold due to sudden exposure to dry cold  wind;  watering of eyes and sneezing; anxiety and fear

Aconite 30 or 200

2 hourly

 Running of nose during day and blockage  at night with chilly feeling

Nux vomica 30

3 hourly

Cold with sneezing and profuse discharge from eyes and nose; worse in warmth and  indoor; better in open air

Allium cepa. 30

3 hourly

 Dryness of nose with headache; worse from motion; thirst more ,Mouth dry; stools constipated

Bryonia 30 or 200

3 hourly

Sneezing; watering of nose and eyes throat sore   with constant desire to swallow saliva; foul smell from mouth; feverish with sweat which do not relieve. Worse at night

Mercurius sol. 30

3 hourly

 Watering and burning of eyes with streaming nose; acrid discharges

Euphrasia 30

3 hourly

Chilly feeling though face is hot; restlessness and un-quenchable thirst, drinks often but little at a time; better hot food

Arsenic alb. 30

3 hourly

Cold; running of nose and sneezing; redness and pain forehead; watering eyes

Sabadilla 30

4 hourly

 Cold; pain throat; red face, rush of blood  towards head

Bellladonna 30

4 hourly

  Aching pain, dullness, chilliness in back  sneezing, bland and thick discharge from nose; feverish; better passing urine

Gelsemium 30

3 hourly

 Coryza with sneezing and aching in bones  of extremities with soreness of muscles

Eup-perf. 30

3 hourly

 Discharge from nose; yellowish or   greenish; stringy

Kali bich. 30

4 hourly

 Greenish yellow mucous from nose; loss of   taste and thirst; better open air

Pulsatilla 30

4 hourly

 Thick yellow discharge from nose; post nasal catarrh; constipation

Hydrastis c. 30

4 hourly

Watering from nose like a tap; thirst more; stools constipated; cold aggravates till (in acute stage Bryonia 30) noon and ameliorates after noon

Natrum mur. 30

4 hourly

 In fat and flabby patient; worse after  bathing; chilly patient

Calcarea carb 200

4 hourly

 Watery discharge from nose in the beginning and finally it becomes thick,yellow. Pain in the throat ; sensitive to-cold

Hepar sulph. 30

4 hourly

 Cold worse early morning; chronic, dry   catarrh; aversion to take bath

Sulphur 200

4 hourly

 Chronic catarrh; dry coryza, with blockage  of nose; worse change of weather and cold.

Psorinum 200

4 hourly

 Chronic cases with tubercular history


4 hourly

 Obstinate chronic cases, when indicated   remedy fails

Bacillinum 1M

weekly (3)


Due to food poisoning; un-quenchable thirst sips at frequent intervais; anxiety and restlessness

Arsenic-alb. 30

2 hourly

 Due to acidity and ulcers; patient desires constant fanning, fresh air

Carbo veg. 30

4 hourly

 Agonising, cutting pains; better if pet bends  double

Colocynth. 30

4 hourly

 After over - eating; especially spicy - rich  food or milk, etc.

Nux vomica. 30

3 hourly

 During cholera with cold sweating

Veratrum alb. 30

2 hourly

 Pain in abdomen due to worms

Cina 2000 or IM

6 hourly

 Due to flatulence; better if pets bending  backwards

Dioscorea v. 30

4 hourly

 After abdominal operation.    

Staphysagria 30

4 hourly

 When pain comes and goes suddenly         

Belladonna 30

4 hourly

After taking rich fatty food with loss of  thirst; desire for cold,open air

Pulsatilla 30

4 hourly

  When pains are intolerable; especially in  pregnant pets; worse after anger

Chamomilla 200

2 hourly

 Severe; spasmodic pain; violent and    intermittent

Cuprum met. 30

4 hourly


When there is internal as well as external  coldness; after sudden exposure to cold;  during cholera

Camphor. Q or 30

15 min. (6)

 Though the body is cold but patient desires . fanning

Carbo veg. 30 or 200

1\2 hourly

 Sudden; due to fear or exposure to dry cold air

Aconite 200 or 1M

1\2 hourly

 Due to concussion (injury)

Arnica 200 or 1M

1\2 hourly(3)

Due to exhaustive discharges, Such as loss of blood, excessive vomiting, diarrhoea or  semen loss, etc.

China 30 or IM

1\2 hourly

 In epileptic fits

Cuprum met. 30 or 200

1/2 hourly

 Due to sun stroke

Glonoine 30 or 200

1/2 hourly

 With cold sweating

Veratrum alb. 30 or 200

1/2 hourly


 Sudden watering from the eyes with inflammation after exposure to cold

Aconite 30 or 200

3 hourly

 Eyes fiery red with pain and inflammation  face red

Belladonna 30

4 hourly

 Acrid, watery discharge from eyes patient  can not bear bright light     

Euphrasia 30

3 hourly

       profuse, purulent discharge from eyes which make vision  hazy, should be cleared immediately; acute granular swelling

Argentum nit. 30

4 hourly

 Eye-lids swollen, red; worse by heat

Apis mel. 30

4 hourly

 Greenish yellow discharge from eye  worse by heat and better in open, cold air

Pulsatilla 30

4 hourly

Acrid lachrymation severe burning, soreness of the eyes, sensation of foreign body in the eyes. Eye-lids get gummed 

Mercurius Cor. 30

4 hourly

 Stringy, whitish discharge from the eyes

Kali bich. 30

4 hourly

Redness and inflammation of the eyes;eyes can be open with great force only

Rhus tox. 30

4 hourly

 Itching and burning of eyes; worse by  washing .

Sulphur 30 or 200

4 hourly(3)


 An irritable dog or cat that strains to eliminate but doesn't produce much ,basic con­stipation remedy

Nux vomica 30

6 hourly

If constipation goes with skin problems,

Sulphur 30 or 200

6 hourly

 Hard stools, due to dryness and non  peristaltic action of the intestinal tract.  Desire for dry food

Alumina 0/7 or above (50 millesimal potency)

6 hourly

 when stools are large, hard and dry­ almost burnt-looking-and the mucous membranes are dry. The animal prefers not to move .No desire to pass,  thirst increased drinks large  quantity of water at a time at long intervals

Bryonia 30 or 200

6 hourly

  Tonic for proper bowel movements

Cascara sag. Q, 10-15 drops

4 hourly

 Feels better normal when constipated; fat,flabby and chilly patient

Calcarea carb 200

4 hourly (3)

is for ineffectual urging with small, hard, incomplete stools, and for constipation when the animal is preg­nant

Lycopodium  30

4 hourly

there is gas with simple constipation

Carbo veg 30

4 hourly

 useful for cats when there is excessive thirst, sores in the mouth, and general weakness, and when the stool seems dry and hard to expel, but there are other watery discharges (watery eyes, watery vomiting, heavy salivation or urination).

Natrum mur  30

4 hourly

when the dog or cat cannot seem to expel the bowel movement

Silicea 30

4 hourly

 Where constipation and diarrhea alternate,

Graphites.  30

4 hourly


A dry, hacking cough which is worse at night after eating or drinking, or from moving around or from entering a warm room from outside, remedy for kennel cough and for some cat coughs Thirst  excessive; stools constipated

 Bryonia 6 or 30

4 hourly

 Dry, violent cough due to exposure to dry   cold wind; anxiety and fear in mind at the first onset of coughing due to any causes; it may stop it from progressing further

Aconite 30 or 200

4 hourly

for heart cough, or a dry, harsh cough that ends in retching

Spongia, Crataegus 30

4 hourly

For a dry, harsh cough from a tickling sensation in the larynx, cough is worse at night and when entering cold air.

Phosphorus 30

4 hourly

For violent spasmodic coughing to the point of retching and when the animal can't catch her breath,

Drosera 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Dry cough during sleep; worse after anger

Chamomilla 30 or 200

4 hourly

when stringy mucous is expectorated with the cough

Kali bich. 30

4 hourly

when there is rattling mucous and frothy discharge

Antimonium tart 30 or 200

4 hourly

where the cough is accompanied by much mucous, and seems better at night and in the evening.

Rumex crispus 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Cough better while lying down   

Manganum acet. 30

4 hourly

 cough at night and diarrhoea during day

petroleum 30

4 hourly

 Cough worse inspiration and only during   day

Rumex c. 30

4 hourly

Cough always ends into sneezing           

Senega 30

4 hourly

Cough with hoarseness and loss of voice 

  desire to drink icy cold water

Phosphorus 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Cough worse between 2-4 a.m. 

Kali carb 30 or 200

4 hourly

 Cough worse in warm room; better open air; thirstlessness with dry mouth

Pulsatilla 30

4 hourly

 Dry cough; sibilant (hissing) sounds like a  saw driven through a pine board

Spongia 30

4 hourly

 Urine escapes while coughing; better in damp cold; dry cough

Causticum 30 or 200

4 hourly

Coughs due to respiratory infections-where there is sneezing, runny nose, fever and raw throat

Gelsemium 30

4 hourly

 Cough with constant nausea and   wheezing;  tongue clean

Ipecac 30

4 hourly

 Rattling of chest; it is difficult to raise the phlegm; tongue whitish coated; cough yawning   alternate

Antimonium tart. 30

1/2 hourly (3)

          Dry cough at night with chocking; face seems red on coughing with congestion of head

Belladonna 30

4 hourly


 Head remedy; intense burning in urinary   passage, urine comes drop by drop

Cantharis 30

4 hourly

 Frequent urination; last drop burns, urine mixed with blood, passes only a few drops at a time; loss of thirst

Apis mel. 30

4 hourly

 Constant urging with great straining; pain travels downwards while making effort  to pass urine

Pareira brava. Q or 6

4 hourly

 Thick, muddy urine mixed with blood and  albumin; constant tenesmus

Terebinth. Q, 5-10 drops

4 hourly

 Intercurrent remedy 

Medorrhinum 200 or 1M

weekly (3)